News Briefs

Changes to the lunchroom (Paul Morrow, Eileen Hart) 

This summer, some major changes have been made to the RMHS lunchroom. The atmosphere of the lunchroom has been completely remodeled. The inspiration behind this change is the design of a restaurant that a high school student may frequent. “We hope our students and staff enjoy the new atmosphere,” claims Christine Frole.


New Greenhouse (Wietrzak/Eubanks/Wright)

Construction of the new greenhouse occurred during 2018-2019. The greenhouse serves many different purposes for RMHS students and the community. Research is one of the most prominent purposes. Students can learn many alternative methods of planting, as well as work with the types of hydroponic and aquaponic systems in the greenhouse. The house is also used to house the Spring Plant Sale and the Fall Herb Sale. Students in Food Science can sell different plants that they have been growing at both of these sales. Lastly Kirsten Eubanks explains an important reason as to why the greenhouse was built. “A big reason for the greenhouse to be built was to help spread awareness on how you can grow food even in a small space.” The greenhouse shows students, teachers and the community that food can be built from anywhere, “from a backyard to a balcony.” 


Stroll the Polls (Caleb Ankrom)

Stroll the Polls has three major goals, “Engage students in the democratic process, empower voters and defend democracy by increasing voter turnout” (LWV slides). This event will take place on Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 to 1:00. Before the event, there will be two mandatory training sessions on Thursday (9.29) and Friday (9.30). Students can earn up to five service hours from this event while also supporting their community.