Staff Writer Reviews New Netflix Series, “I Am Not Okay with This”

Netflix continues to produce their own original content, making the quantity of their own work almost immeasurable, but the quality is questionable.” As Netflix released another original titled “I Am Not Okay with This,” a series borderlining many genres including comedy, drama, teen, and fantasy, I wondered if it was worth watching, or another Netflix flop that would leave us with an unrenewed notice.”

The show follows troubled teenager Sydney (Syd) Novak, and her struggles with problems that are pretty typical for an individual her age, such as family drama, school and romantic relationships. All of these issues are quite normal, except for one little thing: her budding powers.

I’ll admit when I originally heard about the show I wasn’t too keen on watching it. At first glance, it seemed to have a fairly basic concept; an angsty teenager in a small town who believes themselves to be the epitome of normal—until they find out they’re not.

Despite my original disbeliefs, I found “I Am Not Okay with This” to be unique, interesting and full of surprises.
Even though the show only contains seven short episodes, each minute is full of excitement, yet not to the point where it’s hard to keep up. The season speeds by without a dull moment. Not only does it contain niche plot twists, but also a constant storyline that has you clicking “watch next episode,”until you realize you binged the whole season in a matter of two hours.

To continue addressing the plot, Syd is your average “not so average” main character. Putting her powers aside, she struggles with the suicidal death of her father and her tense relationship with her mother. On top of that, her best and only friend, whom she also has a crush on, Dina, seems to be leaving her for anew, jock boyfriend.
With each of these factors, Syd tends to be quite angry. As her rage grows, so do her powers. Unintentionally, she causes things to happen around her whenever she gets in these moods.

Another character is the slightly weird Stanley Barber. He is introduced as the strange kid that lives down the street. At first, Syd doesn’t pay him much attention, but soon the two become closer, and Stan proves himself to be an awkward yet charming and lovable supporting character.

Like many up and coming shows and movies, especially Netflix teen dramas, the show features lots of diversity and inclusiveness with an LGBTQ main character and an African American supporting actress.

This show is a perfect mix of teenage drama/comedy and a supernatural thriller. You never know if the next scene will make you laugh, or will have you gripping your seat. Although I wouldn’t put this show on Netflix’s top 10, it deserves a spot with the better Netflix originals. If you are looking for a quick yet exciting watch, “I Am Not Okay with This” is the way to go.