Progress for ProStart: Students create recipes for Reps Place Restaurant

    RMHS offers many wonderful classes and opportunities for students, but one of the most important programs we are lucky to have is ProStart. ProStart is a dual credit culinary course that allows students a more advanced culinary education, as well as experience in restaurants. For some students who hope for a career in the restaurant industry, ProStart is an excellent learning experience in preparation for the future. For students who don’t plan on a career in culinary, ProStart still not only provides them with the knowledge of food preparation but additionally other skills such as professionalism, teamwork, time management, and more.

    This year, the ProStart students were given the incredible opportunity to work with Reps Restaurant and its owner, Mike Reppe, to create the summer menu. This has provided an exceptional chance for students to receive hands-on experience in restaurants.

    “By providing this opportunity, students get a taste of what working in the real world is like,” Kimmi Krupicka, ProStart educator, said. “Students have been able to learn about the many topics surrounding the operation and ownership of a small business in the restaurant industry.”

The process of creating the dishes for Reps began back in December. Students began by researching recipes, and selecting the dish they would create. They perfected their meals and presented it to Reppe for a first tasting. He offered his critiques, and from there the students perfected their dishes even more. Finally, they presented their food one last time on March 31st for a final tasting. From there, the restaurant will now take the recipes, finalize them, and on May 2nd the menu will be launched.

ProStart is such a valuable class, and this experience with Reps has been an opportunity like no other for students.

“ProStart taught me lots of cooking skills and things I didn’t know,” Junior Destiny Calcote said.

“In this class, you can try so many new things with cooking.”

Food is such a powerful thing, and learning how to make it is so important, despite whether or not the students plan on following a culinary career.

“They’re having the ability to cook good food for themselves and their family. Now they’re having the knowledge and the skill-set to go to the grocery store and pick the right produce, pick the right proteins, and know exactly what they’re putting in their dishes, and to make a really quality, healthy dish.” Arthur Ledda, Food Fanatic Chef at US Foods, said.

Knowing how to cook is, once again, so important. As Ledda said, ProStart gives students the fabulous chance to learn these skills. Not only is food important to sustain yourself, but it also brings joy, which is so valuable as well.

“At the end, the fruits of our labor to see that, and the joy that people get from eating food is a path right there,” Ledda said.

Cooking is undoubtedly so important, and ProStart is a beyond wonderful chance for high schoolers to learn how to prepare food, learn restaurant skills, and more. The students all worked so hard and did an amazing job creating their dishes. Make sure to visit Reps Place after May 2nd, and taste some of the delicious recipes created by RMHS’s own.