2022 Senior Showcase, “Sherlock’s Best”

The upcoming RMHS senior showcase, “Sherlock’s Best,” is nearing. The show will be put on by recently graduated seniors Maggie Snell and Liliya Viytyk. The showcase will be open from May 26 to May 27 at 7pm at Rolling Meadows High School. Tickets are by donation at the door. This showcase is an entirely student-led production. 

“The senior showcase is special to me because it’s the last show I get to do here and it’s entirely mine and Liliya’s, so I’m really really proud of all we accomplished,” Snell said. 

The opportunity to direct an entire show is something incoming freshmen can look forward to if they join Meadows Theatre. 

“It’s a kind, welcoming community and if you’re considering joining, please do,” Snell said.

This show is not only for the public but for seniors to reminisce on their experience with theatre here at RMHS, and also celebrate the cast bonding that goes on backstage.

“My favorite warm-up is when we all sprint as fast as possible around the upstairs hallway,” Snell said. 

If you are an incoming theatre fan, come check out the senior theatre showcase and see what RMHS theatre has to offer.