Girls Golf Thrives From Lack Of Changes To Season

Even during the times of COVID-19, high school sports like golf have been able to go on with their seasons across the country this fall while not having to adjust too much. The same can be said about RMHS and their girls golf team along with their season this year.

“COVID-19 hasn’t affected practice or matches much,” first-year head coach Kris Yoo said. “Golf is a sport with no contact necessary and [players] are spread out when hitting.”

This has allowed the girls to carry on with their season just as if it was any other year, other than a few large tournaments being canceled. With a solid lineup, Yoo hopes to make sectionals as a team this year and takes a positive approach towards practices.

“I do not want the girls to play for the result but more about the process,” Yoo said. “I remind the players to enjoy the present moment and do the best right now.”

The lineup this year consists of mostly upperclassmen, including seniors Natalie Anderson and Sarah Tanny, as well as juniors Margaret Lennon, Jessica Perns and Lauren Schiele. Sophomore Natalie Von Oesen is the lone underclassmen.

For everyone on the team, the most enjoyable part of the season seems to be the close bond they share and the memories they make during practices and tournaments.

“My teammates and I have formed a really close bond because we spend [around] 3 hours together after school every day for a few months [and] we end up being really close outside of the season too,” Anderson said. 

Many players on the team also were able to accomplish the goals they had set for themselves at the beginning of the season, including Schiele.

“My personal goal this season was to break 90 for 18 holes, and I was really excited because I was able to do it at our invitational,” Schiele said.

Ultimately, Yoo would just like to teach the girls some lessons he learned from golf in his own experiences and have fun playing along the way too.

“There are so many different aspects of the game that you need to be good at that makes it fun,” Yoo said. “Golf has taught me so much about life and that is what I want to share with the girls as well.”